PlayStation 3 - Wii - Xbox 360 - Who Wins? Gamers!

The disputes on who wins the next console war appeared even before the war itself began. You can predict the winner of war between USA a Iraq. But you can't predict the winner where the parties are Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. After all, does it even matter?
Microsoft won't stop making Xbox 360 until the next generation appears. There are too many sold consoles. And too many has to be sold. Sony will surely sell as many PS3's as needed to continue the production for many years. There are too many PS2 owners. And Nintendo? That's another league. Nintendo is not competing with anybody. Nintendo fights alone. Yet, its Wii has the biggest chances. Wii is cheap. Wii is fun. And it has tons of games. So, who's the winner? Gamers!
In the next console war there - surprisingly - are no loosers. Companies win because their hardware get sold and their games get sold, if they're good. Gamers win because they have nice cheap hardware and good games. Who cares about console war anymore?!
