Internet browser for Xbox 360?
Now, that's good question. "Why doesn't the Xbox 360 have its own browser?", Joystiq asks. Wii got it, PS3 as well. Why not Xbox 360?
Xbox Live is an excellent online service. For a gamer. But it's not quite the right thing for a casual gamer, right now. Then there's the controller problem. How to navigate through web pages with a gamepad? How to type? Is Microsoft much more interested in pushing Windows Vista and IE7? Maybe.
There are even some news that Microsoft will be releasing a web browser for it in the next update. We shall see.
Anyway, very interesting question nobody asked before.
Xbox Live is an excellent online service. For a gamer. But it's not quite the right thing for a casual gamer, right now. Then there's the controller problem. How to navigate through web pages with a gamepad? How to type? Is Microsoft much more interested in pushing Windows Vista and IE7? Maybe.
There are even some news that Microsoft will be releasing a web browser for it in the next update. We shall see.
Anyway, very interesting question nobody asked before.
+ seen at: Joystiq