Hands on Review of the Wii
What do they say? Wii has lower grade graphics but that doesn't matter. Gameplay is what matters says 2old2play. "Each and every game offered a new way to hold and utilize the Wiimote to control the action on screen."
They played The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. "All the Wiimote issues aside, there is one thing that was certain, the game felt like Zelda. Everything from the atmosphere, enemies and the puzzles to solve put me right back into the classic Hyrule setting. Within minutes I was sucked in and ready to play for days."
Have you got a new HDTV? "While the Wii may not be HDTV ready, it sure seems to favor the larger sets for optimal use."
Read the whole article at 2old2play Hands on Review of the Wii.
+ seen at: 2old2play